About us

LOVMI or Loviisan kansalaisopisto – Lovisa medborgarinstitut is a Finnish and Swedish language adult learning centre arranging courses in Loviisa, Lapinjärvi and Pyhtää. There is a large choice of subjects from ICT, arts and crafts, music and languages to exercising, gardening and cooking classes. Course prices are affordable. Loviisan taidekoulu – Lovisa konstskola is an art school for children within LOVMI. The art school arranges art and handicraft courses for children and young people.

Course registration

Course registration for 2024-25 starts August 15th at 15.00.

You can register:

  • online at lovmi.fi
  • at Lovinfo (Mariankatu 12A) or by calling Lovinfo (019 555 555)

The registration is binding. Cancellations can be done at the latest one week before the course starts. Cancel by phoning or emailing Lovinfo (not the teacher). If the registration is not cancelled correctly an invoice of the course fee will be sent to you. Lovinfo will send information about any changes in the course timetable or if the course is cancelled.

Check that your contact information is correct when you register! Course letters and other information are sent by email and course cancellations are sent by text messages.

Information and rules

  • Academic year 1.8.2024–31.7.2025 Autumn term 2.9.2024–1.12.2024
  • Spring term 7.1.2025–13.4.2025
  • Winter holiday 17.–23.2.2025 (week 8)
  • Easter holiday starts on Thursday (April 17th) at 18.00.

Group sizes

Groups in the centre of Lovisa must have a minimum of 7 participants. Courses in other parts of Lovisa and courses in Lapinjärvi and Pyhtää, as well as courses online, need at least 5 participants to start.

Who can study

LOVMI courses are mainly aimed at adults and young people over the age of 16. If you are under 16 and want to register to a course, please contact the teacher of the course beforehand. Taidekoulu – Konstskolan is an Art school providing courses for children. The Art school is also part of the LOVMI learning centre.


The course fee can be paid online during registration, or an invoice will be sent after registration. The fee is not returned if the course participant decides to stop going to the course. Before the course starts you can pay with Smartum-, Edenred- and Epassi- coupons (or the application), credit cards or cash at Lovinfo. Please note that cooking and language courses cannot be paid with these coupons and fees cannot be returned if a course is cancelled.

Material and course books

Course participants mainly buy their own material for the courses. The students also buy their own course books.


Sibling discount

If several children from the same family participate in the same course, the first one pays the whole course fee and the rest get a 50 % discount. Siblings participating in different groups in the children’s art school also get the discount. If you are entitled to the discount please register at Lovinfo, not online.

Discounts for the unemployed

The unemployed can attend courses for free up to an amount of 100 €. You can apply for free admission at Lovinfo by showing an unemployment certificate from Finnish employment services (TE-palvelut).
Parents of under 16-year-olds who are both unemployed can apply for free admission for their children to Art school. Note that the students still have to pay for the materials used in the courses.

If you have a small income

If you have a small income (less than 1300 €/month) and belong to one of the following groups: immigrants, young people with only elementary school degree, 63-year-olds and retirees, people with learning difficulties, you can get a study grant. If you are entitled you can choose one course for free during the academic year. You must apply for this free course and register at Lovinfo. Note that there is a limited amount of these grants funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education (Opetushallitus).

Personal data

LOVMI Adult learning centre stores the students’ personal data in an electronic system to administer the courses and the invoicing. You have the right to receive information about the stored data and the right to change it. Contact Lovinfo for more information.

Information and changes

The online course registration is continually updated with new courses and schedule changes. If you are registered and there is a timetable change to your course you will get information via email or a text message from Lovinfo. Note that changes can occur and course dates can be moved. We try to offer extra sessions if the teacher cannot teach according to the given schedule. However, in courses that last the whole academic year, one course session can be cancelled without extra classes and fees under ten euros are not returned.


When you have completed your course you can ask for a course certificate by sending an email to lovmi[at]loviisa.fi. The certificate is free but you must have participated in 2/3 of the lessons to get a certificate.


If an accident happens during a course session there is an insurance which, with some limitations, covers medical costs. It does not cover works produced by the course participant. Contact the principal for more information.

Course feedback

Regarding registration and cancellations contact Lovinfo. Regarding invoicing contact course secretary Monica Jawara (040 620 3833). Course feedback can be given directly to the teacher or the teacher in charge of the course arrangements. Contact the principal regarding general matters of the Adult learning centre. A link to a course feedback form is also emailed to each student when the course is completed.


A good atmosphere is important and everybody is welcome to our courses. We hope that each student will participate in creating a safe and encouraging learning environment.  


Unfortunately, all our classes are not accessible. Please, contact us before the course starts if you want to bring an assistant to the course, so that we can make sure there is enough space.


LOVMI is a bilingual Adult learning centre offering courses mainly in Finnish and Swedish. Some courses are bilingual (Finnish-Swedish) and some are taught in English. You can participate in many courses even though you don’t speak the language. Contact us if you need more information about a specific course.

Contact us

Customer service
Mariankatu 12 A
07900 Loviisa

Mon-Wed 9–11.30, 12.30–15
Thu 9–11.30, 12.30–17
Fri 9–11.30, 12.30–15
phone: 019 555 555
email: lovinfo@loviisa.fi